
  1. #!/usr/bin/python2.6
  2. #coding=utf-8
  3. import os
  4. import time
  5. #日志记录
  6. num_file = '/data/www/www.521php.com/log/num'
  7. log_file = '/data/www/www.521php.com/log/www.521php.com.log'
  8. #ip屏蔽函数
  9. def shellcmd(ip,con):
  10. os.system('/root/shell/nginx/editblocksip.sh add '+ip)
  11. os.system('echo '+con+' | mail -s "log info" zhangcunchao_cn@163.com')
  12. nowfile = os.getcwd()+"/"+__file__
  13. stime = os.stat(nowfile).st_mtime
  14. #修改时间变化退出
  15. while stime == os.stat(nowfile).st_mtime:
  16. log_num = str(int(os.popen("cat "+num_file).read()))
  17. real_num = str(int(os.popen("cat "+log_file+" | wc -l").read()))
  18. if log_num != real_num:
  19. #插入新记录条数
  20. os.system('echo '+real_num+' > '+num_file)
  21. content = os.popen("tail -n +"+log_num+" "+log_file).read().split("\n")
  22. for con in content:
  23. if ""!=con:
  24. c = con.split(' ')
  25. if '403' != c[8] and '' != c[0]:
  26. if ".rar" in c[6]:
  27. shellcmd(c[0],con)
  28. elif '/wp-comments-post.php' in c[6] and 'MSIE' == c[13] and '6.0;'== c[14]:
  29. shellcmd(c[0],con)
  30. elif '"-"' == c[11] and '"-"' == c[12] and '.php' in c[6]:
  31. shellcmd(c[0],con)
  32. time.sleep(1)